Sister Disciples of the Divine Master
, founded on February 10, 1924, have their sanctification and mission through a three-fold apostolate: Eucharistic, Priestly and Liturgical. They have the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament day and night; serve Christ in His Priesthood by helping and praying for priests and the Pauline Family; dedicate their talents in enriching the liturgical field through art, architecture, painting, embroidery, etc., and also publishing liturgical books.
As Disciples of Jesus Master, they commit themselves to proclaim Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life to the men and women of our times, within diverse cultural realities, through their Eucharistic-Priestly-Liturgical ministry.
Their daily encounter with Him in the celebration of the Eucharist makes them vibrate with His sentiments and attitudes: the glorification of God and the salvation of humanity. This impels them to stay in prayer on behalf of humanity. In this way, they come to harmonize the primacy of God and the concrete signs of our times as they live and work within the Church which is ministerial, participative, ecumenical and open to dialogue. In this encounter too, they feel challenged to become "neighbors" to those who are materially, spiritually and morally in need. A special dimension of their Eucharistic prayer goes to those who work in, and are addressed by, the mass media. They offer special prayers so that the Gospel may reach everyone especially through these means and also to make reparation for the sins committed through such means.
The anxiety to continually and progressively respond to the demands of today impels them to help and contribute in the pastoral development of the Church: to pray for vocations, to help them in their growth and development, to assist and accompany the priests, in the exercise of their ministry, in times of suffering and pain, in their old age, and in other difficult situations, in the same way that Mary accompanied Jesus and His disciples.
Their Eucharistic experience is transformed into a concrete testimony of life, in an austere yet dignified service, always mindful of the exigencies of the different cultures, bringing in their hearts the universal spirit of St. Paul.
Living and active members in the Church, vital witnesses of the Paschal Mystery, they communicate Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life here and now, so that He may be known, loved and followed by all, in the totality of His beauty and truth, and thus become signs and prophecy of the love of the Father in the Son through the Spirit.
They creatively place themselves at the service of the liturgy, the richness of various artistic expressions: painting, sculpture, architecture, music and craftmanship in order that prayer may be characterized by beauty and dignity.
They render liturgical service in terms of formation, catechesis, biblical-liturgical animations, always in view of contributing to the growth of Gods Kingdom in the world.