Daughters of St Paul (FSP), founded for women on June 15, 1915 in Alba . The Daughters of St. Paul are women religious, consecrated to announce the Gospel with the new forms of communication. In some parts of the world, they are called "Paulines." It is from St. Paul that they take their name, and it is from him that they learn what it means to live for God, love the Gospel, open oneself to all people. Like Paul, they are bold enough to work in the newest situations, and in our day, that is precisely the world of social communication. In the footsteps of Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul make known and live Christ the Master, Way, Truth and Life.
The centre of their existence, conforming their lives to his is in total dedication to the Gospel. The Daughters of St. Paul are part of the Pauline Family, born in the heart of Father James Alberione who, taken up with the desire to "make himself all things to everyone," gave life to five congreagtions, four aggregated Institutes, and the associationof Pauline Cooperatiors.