STPAULS is a Pontifical Religious congregation of Brothers and Priests founded on August 20, 1914 in Alba, North Italy. Its mission is the sanctification of its members by the observance of the evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience and by evangelising the human race through the media of social communications. Its membership consists of Priests and Brothers with equal dignity and dedication in the apostolate.
Called to be apostles to communicate Christ and His Gospel through the Mass Media, after the example of St Paul and as visualized by our Founder Blessed James Alberione, we should become vibrant agents of evangelisation in India.
Deepen our spiritual life by reorienting our practices of piety, and by living and witnessing to the Gospel values, in order to build an intimate relationship with God and with one another.
Pauline Brothers |
Society of St Paul |
Blessed Alberione |
The Founder of Pauline Family |
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